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by Stephanie Barden
Publisher - HarperCollins
Category - Teen Novel
Cinderella Smith has aproblem with a capital P.She loses shoes almost asquickly as she puts themon her feet. But now she’s lost themost important shoe of all: her shiny,ruby red tap shoe. Without it shewon’t have a chance of being chosenPumpkin Blossom Fairy for the falldance recital—and that means no specialtutu, no crown, and no solo!
The school year is starting out withbig problems too. Her new teacherlaughs at her name, she’s sitting atthe smart-boys table, and her old bestfriend is ignoring her. Now the newgirl, Erin, has asked for her adviceon wicked stepsisters. And Cinderelladoesn’t have stepsisters—wicked orotherwise!
The recital is just around the cornerand the stepsisters are on their way.Can Cinderella and Erin solve the capitalP problems in time?
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