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The Guardians Series Book 1 - Dream

by O.Burcu Ozturk

Publisher - Özlem Burcu Öztürk

Category -

A young girl goes on a vacation with her family in order to get rid of the stress of preparing for the university exams. The little town they arrived will be the place where she will face her fears in order to find her truth and her free will. Maybe everything is just a dream. Or maybe she is in somewhere that she will understand the true meaning of the phrase she heard since her childhood, "The angels will guide you...". And this little town will be the key to finding her dreams and the true meaning of life. " "You do not know if this is even real, do you? Have you ever thought why you are saying these things? It may be just a dream for you. So, what about us? What will happen to us? What if we were only created in your dream because of you?" I was confused. I suddenly started to go away from Jay and Junior. What was happening here actually? And then I realized what the strange thing I couldn't name was. I hadn't felt anything but feelings yet. No pain, no fatigue, no thirst, no hunger. I was only experiencing emotional fluctuations. Or was it a dream? Was it not real? "

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