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by Julian Goh
Publisher - Julian Publishing and Marketing
Category - General Academics
The purpose of this workbook is to find out the mysterious events that took place in Santubong. See the Legend of Santubong. It is therefore designed to help learners understand their limitations, identify obstacles, and suggest ways to improve future visits as they explore the area. Licensed tour guides or members of the public who are interested in developing capabili-ties can provide guidance services for ecotourism operations in Sarawak‟s national parks or nature reserves. Under the state government‟s licensing system, this training course is designed and conducted at a specific location and is based on the guidelines set out in the Park Guide Training and Licensing System and the Regulation 8 of the National Parks and Nature Reserves Regulations, 1999; and, Chapter 26 of the Wildlife Protection Ordi-nance, 1998. Some new features which can be found in this workbook are including the following: * This workbook helps individuals when carry out their training session at the park; they can apply the exercises stated in this workbook for identifying ob-stacles at a park or nature reserve. Compare to other workbooks, they do not provide such self-directed learning framework. * For example, the self-directed learning framework enables individuals to know obstacles faced up during training session; and then be able to propose new ideas cum actions for improving existing knowledge stocks to use in fu-ture sessions. * For example, the individuals need to understand what tools must bring togeth-er in a nature tour. * As a result, when individual applies this guidebook in training or practical, his guiding skills would be able to rise to a new level. Finally, upon completion of the exercises provided in this workbook, learners would be able to understand their strengths, weaknesses and discoveries. Hence, they can propose new approach to service their clients better. In order to achieve this goal, they can customize the standard operation proce-dures based on the situation they are facing.
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