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by Dr Bruce Miller
Publisher - Oak Publication Sdn Bhd
Category - General Academics
The word “organic” is a labeling term used to describe organic crops that are grown, harvested, and processed according to a strict set of standards. Organic food, once considered a hippie fad, is today the fastest growing segment in the food industry. People are choosing organic because they want a healthier and safer alternative to “conventional” grown food with its use of toxic pesticides, antibiotics, irradiation, hormones, and genetic engineering. If you are debating whether or not to make the switch from conventional food to organic, you are not alone. Here's some vital information that will hopefully help you make an informed decision on what food you put on the table that will best serve you and your family to achieve vibrant health and energy and a healthier way to lose weight. Some topics of special interest include: • Understanding the different eco labels in the market place • What does the “organic” label mean? • How are organic foods identified and regulated? • What is a PLU code? • Can organic foods really improve your health? • What does organic not have? • Why do organic foods cost more? • How to shop for organics: The “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen.”
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