
by Bonda Nor

Jika diibaratkan hidup ini seperti memandu kereta, kita tetap memerlukan back mirror dan side mirrors. Untuk apa? Untuk pandang belakang. Untuk kita jeling sesekali. Kadang untuk mengawasi situasi. ...

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Tiada Yang Kedua


Perkahwi ...

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Tidak Lama Dahulu

by Yusof Ismail,Syuk SYJ

This book is presented in the form of listening, as a teaching material for children. By listening, children can imagine and creative thinking. This book can be used more efficiently.

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by Miss Honey

Antologi TIGA hasil karya Miss Honey menghimpunkan tiga buah cerpen yang rata-ratanya berlatarbelakangkan kasih sayang, persahabatan dan kekeluargaan. Himpunan cetera pendek ini cuba menyampaikan m ...

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Tikus Menjadi Raja

by Jaafar Hasny

Siri cerita ini mengandungi sembilan buah cerita yang mengisahkan telatah manusia dan haiwan yang banyak memberikan pengajaran dan teladan. Cerita-cerita yang dipersembahkan berupaya menjadi pedoman d ...

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Time Tunnel Series 01-The Ice Age (Glacier Avalanche)

by Low Win Kam

Millions of years ago, the earth was covered with frozen snow. Hence it was known as the Ice Age. George, Brenda and Jack are three friends who ha ...

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Time Tunnel Series 02-The Ice Age (The Epic Tremor)

by Low Win Kam

At the end of the Ice Age, the climate changed and temperature began to rise.

Ge ...

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Time Tunnel Series 03- Palaeolithic Age (The Irate Fire and the Angry Apes)

by Low Win Kam

The appearance of a mysterious old man allowed George to start a new adventurous trip to the past by opening the ancient book. This time, George, ...

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